Wednesday 15 December 2010

Analysis of photographs

I took a variety of different photographs in different areas. I didnt worry too much about what was in the background as I knew I would be erasing it, so i just focused on the lighting.
For my main images, I asked my friend to dress up in different outfits and pose in different positions. I used close up, medium close up, and medium long shots and an eye level angle for all of my photographs.
The main image I have chosen to use for my music magazine is Image 001.
For my subsidary images I focused on the lighting but for the background I positioned my friend in front of a light painted wall. I asked him to pose but to make sure he looked relaxed. I used close up, head and shoulders and medium long shots and again used an eye level angle.
The subsidary image I have decided to use is Image 006, which I also adjusted the brightness and contrast on.

Subsidary Images

Image 006

Image 007

Image 008

Image 009

Monday 29 November 2010

Mission Statement

ECH's new project loud is a new young womens music magazine. It provides fresh daily content to readers and features photo shoots with some of today's top artists.
Loud is aimed at the girly girl age group of 16 - 24 years. Loud's readers combine music with fashion, they have a real sense of style.
Loud contains all the elements that give the latest gossip on whos topping the charts. It contains reviews and interviews on the artists that are hot right now and gives all the latest celeb trends.
Louds role in it's readers lives is to inspire and entertain.
The first issue arrived on shelves on 17th of December (January Issue)

Sunday 28 November 2010

Female 100%
Average age 18
Still Studying 95%

Into pop and RnB. Favourite radio station: Kiss 101

Like to keep up to date:
·         95% are passionate about music
·         82% keep up to date with the latest charts
·         42% like to party on a Saturday

Big Spenders
·         £60 per month spent on CDs

·         412 CDs in collection

Loyal – average reader has been reading loud for 3 years
Average time spent reading issue 1hour 25 mins

Total Spent on
CDs £10.5 million
Concert/Live events £5.4 million
Downloads £2.3 million

Massive spending power
On average
Buy 6 CD albums per month
Download 9 albums per month

Music Fan Profile

Pop Pixie
Age 15 – 20
What is she wearing? Worn wash skin tight jeans, baby pink tee, crystals, stilettos, bleach blonde hair, pooch in hand.
Listening to all the latest big tunes, Cheryl Cole, Rihanna, Nicki Minaj, all the girly soundtracks. Secretly fancies Usher.
Wants to be the sixth member of the Saturdays!
Find her at all the weekend parties, dancing like no ones watching!

Friday 26 November 2010

Results of questionnaire

For my questionnaire I asked all females as my music magazine is female based. I asked a number of ten students aged 16 - 17.
These were my results:
Pop was the most popular music magazine voted for with 8/10 students voting for it.
10/10 students voted for £1.99 - £2.99 for being how much they would pay for a music magazine.
Loud was the most popular masthead with 7/10 students voting for it.
The hottest chart gossip was voted most popular slogan and the most popular selline was The hottest faces of pop inside.
8/10 students voted for music charts as the story they would be most interested in reading and 8/10 students voted for a solo artist as most preffered main image.
And lastly a full 10/10 voted for monthly as when they would prefer the magazine to be issued.

My Questionnaire

Music Magazine Front Cover Market Research Questionnaire

1.                 Which gender are you?
·        Male
·        Female

2.                 How old are you?
·        16 – 17
·        18+

3.                 What type of music magazine would you be most interested in reading?
·        Rock
·        Pop
·        RnB
·        Dance
·        Indie

4.                 How much would you pay for a music magazine?
·        £1
·        £1.99 - £2.9
·        £2.99 or more

5.                 Which of the following mastheads do you prefer?
·        Loud
·        Boom
·        Sound
·        Shout
·        Duet

6.                 Which of the following slogans would you prefer?
·        Big news on Big stars!
·        The hottest chart gossip
·        Who will be next to top the charts?!
·        The I pod must haves

7.                 Please state which of the following sell lines you prefer
·        All the juicy gossip revealed on page 68!
·        The hottest faces of pop inside!
·        Guess who’s back! See page 36
·        Look who’s at the top! Page 28

8.                 Please state which of the following stories you would be most interested in reading about in the music magazine
·        Music charts
·        Celebrity gossip
·        Live concerts
·        Brand new artists
·        Which artists are smashing the charts this week

9.                 Which of the following images would you prefer to see as the main image on the front cover of a music magazine?
·        A solo artist
·        Several artists
·        A band
·        Other. Please state.

10.             When would you prefer a music magazine to be issued?
·        Weekly
·        Monthly

Tuesday 16 November 2010

Rap Up Music Magazine

I love this music magazine front cover as it's very pink and girly. We can see that its obviously aimed at girls because of the girly front cover. I like the way everything matches, the colour of the font matches with Ciara's top, even her lipstick goes with the background. I also like the way the flash of the camera has been focused on, the flash is bright and stands out and the stars around it makes it seem like it's almost sparkling.

Vibe Music Magazine

I like this music magazine front cover because of the main image, I think it's really effective. I like how the picture is in black and white with a white background and then a red font is used to make the masthead really stand out. Theres not a lot of detail on the front cover of the magazine, but you can see how just the main image and colour of font for the mashead really attracts people.

Thursday 11 November 2010

Evaluation of my school magazine front cover

After taking students views on what they would prefer to see on the front cover of a school magazine into account, I thought about what I myself personally thought would be best and what would look good on the front cover.
I used the most popular masthead, storylines and slogans but decided on choosing my own colour scheme and pictures as I thought they made the front cover of the magazine look a lot better.
I am happy with how the final result of my school magazine front cover has turned out. However i know if i had the chance to improve on it, I know i would use different subsidary images as they are quite dark compared to the main image and use an image that would represent the clubs and activities story a lot better, to perhaps show what kind of clubs/activities are being held.
But after taking my thoughts and everything into account I am generally pleased with the final result of my school magazine front cover.

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Results from questionnaire

I asked 10 students from year 12 to fill out my questionnaire on school magazine research. These were my results.
8/10 students were aged between 14 - 16, 2/10 students were aged 17 - 18 with 3 students being male and 7 students being female.
The most popular type of magazine students would be interested in reading most is gossip.
 £1 - £1.50 had the highest rate of students wanting to pay this much for a school magazine. The most popular masthead was school gossip but with the school times being second best I chose this as i thought this masthead was more appropriate for my school magazine front cover.
Most students were interested in reading about exam success in the school magazine and the most popular main image for the front cover of the school magazine was a number of students from each year group.
The most popular colour scheme students wanted to be associated with the magazine was blue and white and the most popular slogan was, school news for you.
I took the students views into account but decided on what I thought suited my magazine front cover best when it came to the final piece.

Thursday 7 October 2010

School Magazine Front Cover Market Research Questionnaire

1.   How old are you?
·       11 – 13
·       14 – 16
·       17 – 18

2.   What gender are you?
·       Male
·       Female

3.   What year group are you in?
·       Year 7
·       Year 8
·       Year 9
·       Year 10
·       Year 11
·       Year 12
·       Year 13

4.   Which type of magazine would you enjoy reading most?
·       Music
·       Film
·       Games
·       Gossip
·       Sport
·       Other (Please State)

5.   How much would you pay for a school magazine?
·       50p - £1
·       £1 - £1.50
·       £1.50 - £2
·       £2 or more

6.   Please state which of the following stories you would be interested in reading about in a school magazine
·       Exam success
·       Uniform
·       Healthy eating
·       School trips and visits
·       Clubs and activities
·       Other (please state)

7.   Which of the following mastheads do you prefer?
·       Schools Out
·       Top Of The Class
·       The School Times
·       School Gossip
·       Other (Please State)

8.   Which of the following images would u prefer to see as the main image on the cover of a school magazine?
·       A number of students from each year group
·       Group of teachers
·       Sixth form students
·       The school logo
·       School sports team
·       Other (Please State)

9.   Which colour scheme would you prefer to be associated with the cover of a school magazine?
·       Black and white
·       Yellow and blue
·       Blue and white
·       Yellow and black
·       Other (please state)

10.                     Which of the following slogans would you prefer?
·       School news for students!
·       Student’s success!
·       All you need to know
·       Other (please state)