Friday 26 November 2010

Results of questionnaire

For my questionnaire I asked all females as my music magazine is female based. I asked a number of ten students aged 16 - 17.
These were my results:
Pop was the most popular music magazine voted for with 8/10 students voting for it.
10/10 students voted for £1.99 - £2.99 for being how much they would pay for a music magazine.
Loud was the most popular masthead with 7/10 students voting for it.
The hottest chart gossip was voted most popular slogan and the most popular selline was The hottest faces of pop inside.
8/10 students voted for music charts as the story they would be most interested in reading and 8/10 students voted for a solo artist as most preffered main image.
And lastly a full 10/10 voted for monthly as when they would prefer the magazine to be issued.

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