Wednesday 3 November 2010

Results from questionnaire

I asked 10 students from year 12 to fill out my questionnaire on school magazine research. These were my results.
8/10 students were aged between 14 - 16, 2/10 students were aged 17 - 18 with 3 students being male and 7 students being female.
The most popular type of magazine students would be interested in reading most is gossip.
 £1 - £1.50 had the highest rate of students wanting to pay this much for a school magazine. The most popular masthead was school gossip but with the school times being second best I chose this as i thought this masthead was more appropriate for my school magazine front cover.
Most students were interested in reading about exam success in the school magazine and the most popular main image for the front cover of the school magazine was a number of students from each year group.
The most popular colour scheme students wanted to be associated with the magazine was blue and white and the most popular slogan was, school news for you.
I took the students views into account but decided on what I thought suited my magazine front cover best when it came to the final piece.

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