Wednesday 15 December 2010

Analysis of photographs

I took a variety of different photographs in different areas. I didnt worry too much about what was in the background as I knew I would be erasing it, so i just focused on the lighting.
For my main images, I asked my friend to dress up in different outfits and pose in different positions. I used close up, medium close up, and medium long shots and an eye level angle for all of my photographs.
The main image I have chosen to use for my music magazine is Image 001.
For my subsidary images I focused on the lighting but for the background I positioned my friend in front of a light painted wall. I asked him to pose but to make sure he looked relaxed. I used close up, head and shoulders and medium long shots and again used an eye level angle.
The subsidary image I have decided to use is Image 006, which I also adjusted the brightness and contrast on.

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