Monday 2 May 2011

Evaluation Of Music Magazine

1.) In what ways does your media product use, develop, or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

The Front Cover

My front cover follows the conventions of a real music magazine. The layout provides a centre stage for the main article whilst my choice of three subsidary articles relate to other music magazines, making the layout conventional. I decided to stick with only three subsidary images as I didn’t want the magazine to look cluttered. By the use of three extra sell lines I have avoided this whilst still being able to attract a wider audience with the articles featured.
My main image obscures the masthead slightly, giving the idea that the magazine is established and that the audience are familiar with it.
The colour scheme I have used is not conventional. I chose to use colours and fonts that I thought would represent my specific target audience and the genre of the magazine.
Whilst producing the front cover, the layout changed a few times. I originally had the sell line ‘LOLA’ coming from the side of the page but decided to move it to the middle as it stands out a lot more, making the main feature recognised.
I have included a bar code, website and date on my front cover. I included the website throughout the magazine as well as the front cover to show the audience that ‘LOUD’ is a brand.
My main image on my front cover appeals to the specific target audience as the model is glamorous and girly with a sense of attitude which relates to teenage role models in modern society. I took a number of photographs but decided on this one as it best represented the teenage role model I wanted it to.
Using Paint Shop Pro I removed the background so my model would appear ‘in’ the magazine rather than just being stuck on it. My subsidary images were not manipulated as the backgrounds were kept plain and simple.

The Contents Page

In any magazine, the function of a contents page allows the audience to use the magazine in a non-linear way. I researched many established music magazines before deciding on my layout. I wanted it to be conventional and easy to use. Whilst taking inspiration from many other contents page, I tried to make my layout original.

I used a double page spread layout for my contents page as I found it easier to fit everything nicely onto the two pages. I chose to have an image led contents page, with the images situated on the right page and the text on the left. I used two of the same images that I used on my front cover which highlights the main articles within the magazine. The main image on my contents page is the main feature, although I have used a different image to the front cover.
For the main image on my contents page, I decided not to remove the background as I took the picture in a nice setting with a nice background behind my model which I thought looked quite effective.

I included a picture of the front cover to relate each page to the other, whilst allowing the magazine to flow. I also put in an image of the article on ‘Lola’ so the audience could have a sneak peak of what it’s about. This image along with the subsidary image of the CD’s complimented the colour scheme of the front cover.

The Double Page Spread

For my double page spread I kept the background very plain, leaving it white with bold pink text. I only used one main image to keep a conventional layout and to avoid clutter. I removed the background of the image which slightly worried me at first, as the background as well as the models clothing were both white, but when I completed the double page spread I thought it fitted in well with the colour scheme and looked effective on the page.

I improved my first attempt of my double page spread by rearranging the opening paragraph so that it would go across the page with the interview fitting around it. I also added more colour to the text as it looked too dull and plain.

First Attempt

Second Attempt

I arranged the article in a question and answer format so that it is easy for the audience to follow.
The introduction gives an in-depth description about ‘Lola’ as a person and information about her life. In my article I used three pull quotes;
‘This year will be my time to shine!’ This shows how the audience could expect great things from this artist in the upcoming year.
‘I feel like I’ve been a performer my whole life’ This shows how passionate and determined the artist has been about performing.
‘I want to be remembered as a heroine’ This shows how successful this artist wants to become.
I chose to use these three pull quotes as it sends out a message to the audience that if your passionate and determined to achieve what you want, you can achieve anything. I think this would capture the audiences interest whilst also sending out a good message to younger girls .

2.) How does your media product represent particular social groups?
For my main image and for one other subsidary image, I have chosen to use young models in order to represent my specific target audience. Although my magazine is targeted at females, I have included both female and male models. I have used a male model simply because a certain male model, for example a ‘hot’ male solo artist can capture female attention.
From the main image it is clear that ‘Lola’ is a mainstream female solo artist, which would appeal to a wider audience.

3.) What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
The way in which my magazine would transfer from the publication to the wholesaler is through distribution; therefore it is a key process when reaching my target audience.
During the media studies course I have studied a particular distributor that I have considered may distribute my magazine. Frontline Ltd sell and distribute over 160 of their partners magazine titles, including 54 of the top 200 best selling titles in the UK. Their magazines sell nearly 8 million copies every week through over 55,000 shops, ranging from the smallest corner shop to the biggest hypermarket. This makes them the biggest magazine distributor in the UK.
I would like ‘LOUD’ to become an established brand in order to create a sense of position and belonging whilst securing a trusted and loyal audience.

Publisher -> Distributor -> Wholesaler -> Retailer -> Consumer

4.) Who would be the audience for your media product?
Loud targets a female audience, who are generally around the age of 16-24 years and are either studying in school or college, or in the early stages of their promising career. They would be big music lovers with an eclectic taste who have a tendency to gossip. Louds audience combine music with fashion and have a real sense of style. They like to keep updated on the artists who are ‘Hot’ and the ones who are not! They would be an audience defined by passion, independence and inspiration.

Louds Reader Profile

Female 100%

Average age 18

Still Studying 95%

Into pop and RnB. Favourite radio station: Kiss 101

Like to keep up to date:
·         95% are passionate about music
·         82% keep up to date with the latest charts
·         42% like to party on a Saturday

Big Spenders
·         £60 per month spent on CDs

·         412 CDs in collection

Loyal – average reader has been reading loud for 3 years

Average time spent reading issue 1hour 25 mins

Total Spent on

CDs £10.5 million

Concert/Live events £5.4 million

Downloads £2.3 million

Massive spending power
On average

Buy 6 CD albums per month
Download 9 albums per month

I evaluated my product through an audience survey. I asked 8 people to complete the survey in order for me to establish a more specific target audience. This was the questionnaire I asked people to complete:
Music Magazine Evaluation

Front cover

1. What do you associate with the name (masthead) of the magazine?

2. What does the main image on the front cover make you think of?

3. Which of the cover stories do you think is the most interesting?

4. Is the front cover appealing?
  • Yes
  • No
Give reason for your answer.

5. Which of the following age groups do you think the magazine appeals to?
  • 10 - 15 year olds
  • 16 - 24 year olds
  • 25 - 30 year olds
  • 30+
6. Which gender do you think this magazine is targeting?
  • Male
  • Female
  • Male and Female
7. Which genre of music do you associate with the cover of the magazine?
  • Pop
  • Dance
  • RnB
  • Rap
  • Rock
  • Indie
  • Other.....................(Please state)

Contents Page

8. Is the layout of the contents page clear and easy to use?
  • Yes
  • No
9. Does the contents page resemble a page from the music magazine?

10. Is the contents page appealing to the audience?

Double Page Spread

11. Is the content of the article of interest to you? Please give a reason.
  • Yes
  • No
Reason .................................................................................................................................................

12. Does the headline make you want to read the article?
  • Yes
  • No
13. Does the main picture represent the content of the article successfully?
  • Yes
  • No
14. How would you rate the layout of the article? Please circle a number:
                                              Bad<1 2 3 4 5>Good

15. Would you buy the magazine for the cover price?
  • Yes
  • No
16. How would you rate the overall quality of the front cover, contents page and double page spread? Please circle a number:
                                             Bad<1 2 3 4 5>Good

I was very pleased with the audience feedback. 8/8 people said that the magazine would appeal to 16-24 year olds and 7/8 people said that the magazine targets females. I was very happy with the results of these questions, as I set out to target a 16-24 female age group. I was also happy with the results I got back from the last question, 2/8 people rated a 4 for the quality of the front cover, contents page, and double page spread whilst 6/8 people rated a 5. I was very happy with this feedback.
Whilst studying the music industry, I found that most music magazines target more of a male audience. So I decided to challenge the conventions of the music industries target audiences, by producing an all female music magazine.

5.) How did you attract/address your audience?
When producing my magazine, I had to think about the way in which I was going to attract the audience. I knew I wanted my magazine to be young, fun and girly as well as being able to capture the interest of females with different tastes.
When choosing my feature artist, I knew it would have to be someone who girls would look up to, someone they could relate themselves to and someone who would grab their attention. So I made my artist glamorous and girly with a sense of attitude, that way every girl could have something to relate to. Also ‘This year will be my time to shine’ creates an interesting story, as the reader gets a sense that the artist has great, unexpected plans for the year ahead.

6.) What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
Throughout the production of my magazine, I used a variety of different technologies. The majority of my production was created on Adobe In-design which is a desktop publishing software used to organize layouts.
To remove the background of some of my images, I used a clipping path. To feather and adjust my images I used Paint Shop Pro.
To upload a picture onto my layout from a file or USB, I used Abobe Bridge, which simply allowed me to go to a file where my selected images were, select my image and drag it onto my layout on Adobe In design.
I used a camera a 10mp camera to capture my images. The Higher the pixel, the better the quality of the picture. My camera settings helped me to adjust the brightness and contrast of my image in order to achieve a better quality. Whilst taking my pictures, I needed to think about the angle and setting. The setting was most important. For most of my images I removed the background or used a blank setting in order to make the process a lot easier. For the rest of my images I had to think about the background carefully, it either needed to reflect on the artists personality or have a natural feel to it. Either way the background needed to be appealing.

7.) Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
The preliminary task was to create a school magazine front cover. This allowed me to familiarise myself with the technologies and conventions of layout and design.
Compared to the preliminary production, there is a clear improvement in the layout and design in the final production. Although the genres are different I was able to improve on my final production by comparing the layout and design to my preliminary production.
Through comparison I was able to see how the background of my preliminary production was effective where as the background on my final production was not. This allowed me to see the importance of image manipulation.
As well as creating a magazine front cover, we had to produce a double page spread and contents page, which allowed me to explore further into the styles and conventions of a real music magazine.
Through the process of creating my music magazine, I was able to understand representations and what I had to do to target my specific audience.
I am really pleased with my final production. I was able to follow certain conventions of music magazines but create a magazine with features that suit my own personal tastes and was able to create my own original layout and design.

Final Production

Preliminary Production

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