Thursday 24 February 2011

Contents pages I like

I like this contents page because of it's simplicity, this works well as it is still interesting but doesnt bore the reader. I like the way the 'CONTENTS' has been seperated and is made to look as if it is balancing on the models foot, this makes it stand out and look more interesting. I also like the way in which the picture of the model takes up most of the page with the text fitting around her.

In this contents page I like the pictures on the right hand side of the page with page numbers by them which represent the story on that particular page. I think this catches the readers eye more, as if they saw a particular artist they like on the contents page with the page number next to it, they would turn straight to that page. I also like the layering of the pictures, some stand out more than others. The text on the left hand side of the page is kept simple as is the review at the bottom of the page.

 This is my favourite contents page. It's girly and fun and represents the sort of contents page that would suit my music magazine. The 'CONTENTS' is prominant on the page with the magazine issue and features standing out underneath. There isn't much text on this page, it's kept very simple and small as the picture takes up most of the room and gives the page the effect it needs to interest the reader. A pull quote is also put alongside the picture which refers to an article in the magazine.

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